Wenche Sortebogen
Psychologist with psychotherapy. Private practice

Some people who come to me are primarily looking for personal growth and self-knowledge. Many have to a greater or lesser degree, symptoms like anxiety, depression, compulsions and so on. Others suffer from neurosis og personality disorders.
Psychodynamic therapy has long term effects beyond simple symptom relief. See; https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/amp-65-2-98.pdf
As therapist I am relatively anonymous, so that there is as much space for your material as possible. I adhere to therapeutic neutrality. This does not mean that I will be unresponsive towards you, but the therapeutic space is yours - to bring out whatever is on your mind. There is nothing that cannot be talked about. Everything is strictly confidential.
In the sessions we will work on exploring and seeking to understand, your life, your feelings, thoughts and fantasies. I also welcome dream work.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is based on psychoanalytic thinking. Many people misunderstand this as solely focusing on the past. Of course all our life experiences influence us. I will be interested in your early formative years to the degree that it will help us understand the here and now - your life and your relations.
Sometimes we have had to adapt, so that we end up with unresolved inner conflicts, sometimes we suffer more from what was or has been lacking. Protective and defensive mechanisms that once were adaptive, may stunt our growth and limit our pleasure in life. Large parts of our being as humans are unconscious, and the uncovering of such material can be life-changing. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is therefore a discovery process.
In my experience there is a great potential for change and transformation in working with emotional- and mental awareness, thus connecting with a deeper self.
I also work online when you are unable to come to my office.
Contact details
To make an appointment or other inquiries you can leave a message on my answering machine
Tel. 9226 8440*
*I can be reached on the phone every Monday and Wednesday between 12:00 and 12:30.
You can also mail me at wenche.sortebogen@gmail.com*
*Beware that the internet is not completely secure regarding confidential information.
My address is
Odins gt. 27, 0266 Oslo
Couples therapy or counselling
I work with all couples. Some couples want to improve their relationship. Others are experiencing some form of crisis. It can center around unfaithfulness, sexual problems, a death in the family, or communication problems. At times couples seek help to "uncouple".
My backdrop for working with couples is psychodynamic. We will seek to understand and explore what ties you together, what is good in the relationship, where you have differences and what is now creating difficulties between you.
I practice having at least one session with each of you separately.